Make easy & stylish D&D maps in Dungeondraft

Requires Dungeondraft by Megasploot

Dead simple design

  1. Flexible abstract shapes — a rectangle can be a cabinet, a bed, a pillar, or a shield generator.

  2. Symbolic aesthetic makes your prep faster by focusing on player-relevant information rather than HD textures.

  3. Never require a themed asset kit again, because this pack can be used for every genre of game, from Cthulhu horror to fantasy candylands.

Huge array of styles

Wanna copy a specific look? The DnDungeon Blueprint Pack can replicate Dyson Logos, Moldvay blue, futuristic terminals, and way more.

Curated color palette for beautiful, classy diagrams

16 clean colors form pleasant harmonies no matter how you combine them. Combine with black or white symbols & walls for a clean, aesthetic diagram look.

Tutorials & guides included

Tutorial cards & text guides included with the download explain how to install the pack, how to enable it, and how to use it.

Try out the demo

The demo is free forever. It's got all the black & white tools. Make printable maps & dungeons, share them with your friends! Hell, share the pack with your friends — the demo is Creative Commons-licensed.

FeaturesDemoFull Version
Black & white✔️✔️
Full color palette ✔️
Moldvay blue ✔️
Terminal/CRT ✔️
Commercial use ✔️

Check out some user creations

Each of these free maps are included in the DnDungeon Blueprint Assets pack as JPG, WEBP, & virtual tabletop (UVTT) files. Also included are the Dungeondraft project files, so that you can dissect the maps & see how they're built!These maps are also downloadable separately from the Blueprint Assets pack.


Do I need anything else to use these assets?You need a copy of Dungeondraft, the mapping software developed by Megasploot. If you don't already have it, you can purchase Dungeondraft here for $19.99.How do I install the pack?Instructions are included in the pack download, but the short version is that you drop it into Dungeondraft's custom assets folder & enable the pack in the Assets dialog.Can I use these assets for commercial products?See the licensing section for details. In short: The demo can be used for free products. The full version can be used for commercial products as well. Some attribution is required in most cases.

More from DnDungeon

Rather have beautiful eastern HD battlemaps & assets instead of symbols? It's time you entered the DnDungeon.

The Cyclopean logo.

Contact Saki

Questions, inquiries, suggestions, and hate mail are all welcome. You may also reach me at any of Cyclopean's social media accounts (@cyclopeanarts), although email is a far quicker method.